The following article was provided by Rebecca Caroe (Faster Masters Rowing) and I hope you'll find it useful. Masters rowers fundamentally are no different from any other age group. However, regular competitors know that your strength and flexibility change as you age and so it is helpful to re-assess rigging and boat set up regularly for masters training groups.
Adapting rowing/rigging for masters physiology
The goal of rowing and sculling boat rigging for masters is twofold
Be able to move through the stroke cycle
Be comfortable while doing it
Let’s start by reviewing the parts of a rowing boat which are capable of adjustment and the degree of difficulty involved in changing each.
Oar length easy to change
Oar inboard easy to change
Oar handle size moderately difficult to change
Seat height easy to change
Slide/track position moderately difficult to change
Foot Stretcher position easy to change
Shoe height moderately difficult to change
Foot stretcher angle/rake hard to change
Rigger pin position (span/spread) hard to change
Rigger pin pitch (fore/aft and lateral) is hard to change
Oarlock height easy to change
My assessment of easy/moderate/hard is based on the amount of time, tools, and skill needed to make a change. For example, a club that uses snap-lock washers on the oarlocks will find it very easy to change the oarlock heights on the water. Changing your slide position on the water is more challenging - but easy to do off the water with the boat on trestles. Adjusting the rigger pin takes tools, time, and expertise and so is classified as hard.
Knowing what can be changed is a good starting point. Any change has to be made with
reference to an “ideal” or preferred situation. Therefore rowing groups should all know some basic principles of rigging which can be adapted for taller or shorter people.
Key Rowing Rig Positions for athletes
Oar handle relative to the body at the finish (sweep and sculling)
Shoe height relative to seat height
The sill of oarlock relative to the water
There are some fixed positions that rowers should be able to achieve
Full compression at the catch, shins vertical, hips square off from the pin, oar spoons buried under the water
At the sculling finish blades buried under the water, wrist, and forearms flat, elbows at 90 degrees to the oar shaft, thumbs brushing your lower ribs
At the sweep finish blades buried under the water, outside hand thumb brushes lower ribs
Mid-recovery oar spoons capable of square blades above the water surface
These give you clear points in the rowing stroke cycle to check against what your athletes actually do when they are rowing. Note that many will be able to get into these positions when the boat is stationary, check if they actually do it while rowing continuously.
Easy rigging fixes for you to try
Problem: not enough space between the handles at the sculling finish
Move foot stretcher towards the bow
Shorten inboard on oars [keep outboard the same if the athlete is a novice]
Problem: Handles can go past the body at the sculling finish
Move foot stretcher towards the stern
Problem: Cannot get shins vertical at the catch
Lower shoes on foot stretcher and/or
Use a seat pad to raise the seat height
Problem: Cannot get back rocked forward with shoulders in front of hips on recovery
Lower shoes on foot stretcher and/or
Use a seat pad (Such as the ProW) to raise seat height - or two-seat pads
Problem: Cannot keep oars buried at the finish under the water
Lower oarlock height
Use a seat pad (Like the ProW) to raise the seat height
Problem: Tall athlete rowing with a shorter athlete
Set oarlocks high / low for the tall/short athlete
Shorten oar length and inboard for the short athlete (keep the outboard ratio the same)
Problem: Big shoes in the boat and athletes with smaller feet
Wear neoprene beach shoes inside the boat shoes
Raise the shoes as high as possible on the foot stretcher so the heels are elevated
Most rigging fixes are a combination of recognizing a problem and knowing what to try as a possible solution. As a rule, only make one change at a time, go rowing and see what the change is before making another change.
Marlene Royle and Rebecca Caroe coach at Faster Masters Rowing
Programs, video & technique for masters. https://fastermastersrowing.com/